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Dog Breeds Insurance Blacklist

Writer: Brad KeatingBrad Keating

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

The American dream often starts with having a dog in the house or in the backyard. The kids can chase it around the yard, walk it on a leash, and have so much fun. Social media platforms are flooded with children snuggling with their pets, including cats and dogs. However, the nightmare of the matter is that some dog breeds cause serious damage to people from mauling, jumping, and biting them. This even happens to the owners.

Typically, the pet owner is required to have house insurance, which specifically asks about pets. Insurance companies often want the owner to list the dog breed, but why? Actuaries collect data about dog breeds based on deaths, property damages, and injuries incurred. Then, they can showcase the breeds that are most likely to be risky.

It's unwise to try to outsmart the insurance company by leaving the dog's breed off of the list. Suppose something were to happen, such as a dog bite or another type of injury. In that case, the insurance company isn't going to pay on the claim because the dog wasn't added to the policy before the incident, especially if it's one that insurance companies rarely allow because they're too risky.

The owner is going to pay more to own a risky dog breed, like one with a strong dog bite force, even if a claim is never made. However, renters may be denied apartments or be evicted if the dog is received after moving in because many landlords have pet policies in place to determine acceptable sizes and breeds.

Primarily, dog bites are the primary reason for certain breeds, like pit bulls, to be left off of the list from various insurance companies. Here are the top 20 dogs that have earned a reputation for being troublesome and could be a risk factor for insurance company claim needs.

Dog Breeds Insurance Blacklist


Wolf-hybrid dogs are quite popular right now. They're domestic dogs that have been mated with another dog of a certain wild-wolf percentage. They're often bred with powerful breeds so that the results may do serious damage. The evolutionary chain toward domesticity isn't very strong if two breeds have had many centuries to lose their wild tendencies. Typically, homeowners insurance doesn't cover any wolf-hybrids because the companies see them as potential problems. Regardless of how these dogs are trained, they're still partly wolf. The breed has murdered other pets, children, and adults and is responsible for various dog bite issues each year.


It's hard to find a dog as beautiful as the Akitas. It's a family dog, and its goal is to help its master. While the dogs are gorgeous, they do account for many dog bites throughout the year. They typically display aggression to other dogs and kids. Males don't get along with each other, and females rarely do with other females. Plus, they're natural hunters. Based on this information, it's no wonder they are blacklisted from most insurance companies.


Certain dogs are just more likely to bite others. With their protective instincts and powerful jaws, Mastiffs are definitely a problem. They're considered aggressive and dangerous, but there are several types. Most of them have been blacklisted. The insurance company may not cover a dog bite from a Mastiff, and that can make it hard to put them on the policy.

Great Danes

Most people find that Great Danes are pretty and tall, but the big concern is their temperament. They're called gentle giants, but they can be aggressive. A dog bite from this breed is probably going to be more focused on animals in the neighborhood, but people can suffer dog bites, too.

Alaskan Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes are amazingly gorgeous, but they're also powerful. In years past, they were bred to help pull sleds. Now that they are in average homes, owners typically have more than they can handle. These willful dogs can bite or kill children.

Pit Bull Terriers

Based on the information out there, the pit bull is one of the most dangerous breeds on the planet. For every dog bite report, about half of them are from pit bulls, and the number seems to rise all the time. Though pit bulls were primarily bred to be nanny dogs, they have been trained as fighters. As they attack, they don't just bite the person and let go; typically, they go for the kill each time.

These dogs have earned an urban status of being dangerous, so most insurance companies don't even test them or pay attention to bloodlines. The entire breed is judged based on the worst offenders.

Siberian Huskies

It's important to find the right information when focusing on insurance. The dog chosen may be on the blacklist. While Siberian Huskies are often family dogs, they can go bad with terrifying results. Children have gotten killed, as well as elderly people. Even when playing, these dogs can cause serious injuries without wanting to. They may also see smaller animals as prey.

Staffordshire Terriers

Staffordshire Terriers aren't banned anywhere, but concerns have been raised by insurance companies, which are taken seriously. These dogs were the original fighting dogs when the sport was popular. They always bite first and wonder about the person later, so it's hard to get them insured.

Rottweiler Home Insurance


If a family wants to find the right dog for their home, Rottweilers may not be the best choice. They're primarily there to be guard dogs, but they have been known to kill infants lying in cribs. Their bite is bad, and they've got an aggressive gene inside them that makes them powerful and scary. The jaws shut swiftly, and their killer instinct means they have difficulty distinguishing an enemy from a friend.

German Shepherds

German Shepherds are beautiful dogs, but to look at them shows how scary they are. Typically, law enforcement agencies use the German Shepherd and train them to bring down people trying to evade the law. They've got sharp teeth and a large mouth that could cause significant harm.

Japanese Tosa

These dogs have been banned in multiple countries, including the UK because they have a fighting nature. Therefore, they're marked as a dangerous breed. They tend to attack other animals and owners while at dog shows, which adds to the fear. Since they themselves are fearless, the owner can intervene, but it rarely makes a difference. Once these animals are riled up, they sometimes turn on their keepers.

Presa Canarios

There's plenty of information about the breeds of dog out there. While the Presa Canario looks timid and cute, they're designed to be protectors and hunters. Presa Canarios can actually stop adult male humans in their tracks. Humans have no chance against this type of animal if it decides that it must protect the house.

Chow Chow

Seeing a Chow Chow makes everyone want to jump up and down and rush over to pet them. They're fluffy and adorable, but they also have a really bad bite. In fact, they don't warn anyone before attacking and can be annoyed fast by young kids. While the right guidance and training can keep them toned down, most insurance companies steer clear of them.

Dogo Argentino

Finding the right information about a particular breed is important. The Dogo Argentino is a gorgeous dog, but it's a fighting breed and is considered 'scary' by most people. This is primarily based on it being bred for fighting. However, the owner may train the dog and think it's okay, but in reality, it hasn't been trained enough and can be hard to control if it chooses to fight. It's hard to train out aggression if it's bred in the genes.

American Bulldog

The American Bulldog has powerful jaws, which is the primary reason it's considered a danger. If it chooses to bite down, the adrenaline kicks in automatically, so it's hard to pry their jaws from the prey. It's possible to have a calm dog of this breed, but insurance companies aren't likely to take that risk.

Gull Dongs

There isn't much information about the Pakistan Gull Dong, but it looks like the pit bull and is independent and powerful with a nature for fighting. These exotic pets are usually bought for status and prestige, but it is likely to kill animals and kids, and possibly eat them. They're not cruel or demonic, but that's their nature.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is another beautiful animal; it tends to be cute as a puppy, but it can grow up to be deadly. They're known to go for kids, so it's not the ideal pet. However, those without children may find that insurance companies don't take them on because of the multiple attacks listed. Plus, this dog can jump a fence or otherwise break free while walking.


The Bandog was originally from England and has actually been banned in various countries. It is fiercely loyal and dies trying to save its owner if they perceive an attack. Since they have razor-sharp teeth and a large jaw, they're at the heart of various lawsuits. This dog just doesn't give up until it has finished off its prey. With such tenacity, it's no wonder that it's too risky for an insurance company.


Most boxers are actually a joy to be around. However, they can still be dangerous and do significant harm to a person or property. This is another protective breed that can easily misinterpret the signals from its owner and others. For example, a hug is nice, but they may see it as an attack. Male boxers are more prone to feeling threatened by other male dogs around.

Bully Kutta

The Bully Kutta is a cute dog, but it's highly aggressive and comes from the same origin as the mastiff. It's responsible for maiming and killing adults and kids. While an owner may try to train such aggression out of them, the results are poor. Training doesn't mean much to the insurance company, either. If the breed is reputed as being aggressive, owning one means paying the price.

Doberman Pinschers

Doberman Pinschers are excessively aggressive because they are bred primarily to guard and fight. It's hard for them to turn off that instinct. While the entire breed isn't necessarily bad, there are those that go rogue. Insurance companies put them high on the list of breeds to avoid. Likewise, this dog can turn on family members and others they've known for years without blinking an eye.


In most cases, it's required to have homeowners insurance. It protects their property if something happens, but it also protects others who might get injured. Home insurance is essential, so it's a matter of choosing between the various insurance companies. Some of them may allow coverage of these dogs listed. It just depends on the insurers selected.

It's possible to become part of a kennel club, as it is going to cover dangerous dog breeds. One thing to be aware of is that the insurance policy can have any or all of these dog breeds blacklisted. Therefore, it is impossible to get coverage for them. While that can make dog owners upset, it is one thing to focus on. There may also be a restricted list that shows dangerous and aggressive dogs.

Generally, if a dog bites someone, that doesn't necessarily make them bad. Insurers may raise rates slightly, just as car insurance rates rise when a person is in an accident. It's important to understand that insurers can't claim that a specific breed of dog is blacklisted if it's not already there when the plan is created. If a dog owner finds a company that is going to cover the dog right now, and it bites someone, the company must handle the liability claims. Later, it may list that breed as dangerous or aggressive, and the coverage might change then. It is also important to remember that if a person does get bitten by a dog, they should know the warning signs of rabies in dogs.

Different research teams claim that a mixture of any of these breeds can also be dangerous. However, it's important to understand that a specific dog type isn't always angry or menacing. Many factors influence whether dogs become violent or not. However, owning one of these breeds is certain to be more costly or difficult to insure.


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