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Do Most Slip and Fall Cases Settle Out of Court?

Writer: Brad KeatingBrad Keating

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Slipping and falling might only take a split second in the moment, but it's something that can change the course of your life or another's life forever. Whether someone slips and falls on your property, or you yourself have fallen, you might be thinking about whether compensation applies in this case, and how you can best come to a resolution in the case and move on from what's happened. You may also be wondering how you can get compensation, and asking yourself, "do most slip and fall cases settle out of court?"

Depending on the situation, the person who has fallen may or may not be eligible for compensation. Generally, cases like these go to a tribunal, and they may take an unnecessarily long amount of time to resolve. However, it can often prove challenging for the accuser to prove that the defendant was responsible for the accident. As such, the normal for slips and falls lawsuit is to settle out of court.

If you are the owner of a property where a slip and fall case has occurred, it's probably in your best interest to settle outside of court, if possible. This is definitely the right decision if you want to avoid a drawn-out legal battle, which is almost inevitable in countries with a comprehensive legal system. While you might not want to pay the accuser anything if you feel that the fall wasn't your fault, it might be the easier option than letting the case go to a tribunal and see what happens. Ultimately, this is up to you, of course.

If you have been the victim of a slip and fall case, it is probably in your best interest to settle outside of court too, if you're given the option. It can be quite difficult to win a slip and fall case because you need to prove that the defendant is responsible somehow for your slip and fall injury. While you might feel that you can get greater compensation by going through the legal system, it is almost always easier to settle for compensation outside of court if you get the opportunity.

Is Slip & Fall Considered a Personal Injury Case?

Is a Slip and Fall Injury a Personal Injury?

If you have been involved in a slip and fall accident, then yes, you have been involved in a personal injury case. A slip and fall case is considered to be a type of premises liability claim, which means that it falls under the law of personal injury. This type of law has been designed to protect individuals from injury and accident. The way the law protects people in this instance is by prescribing how a property should be built and maintained, as well as the type of compensation a person should be eligible for if they are injured due to negligence on the part of the property owner.

Part of personal injury law in the USA is that you are allowed and entitled to bring a claim against somebody if it is their fault that you have had a slip and fall accident. Generally, such cases are brought against the property owner or the person responsible for the property. If such cases are successful, the accuser typically receives a settlement from the property owner or manager.

What is a Premises Liability Claim?

Under premises liability laws, you can make a premises liability claim if you have been injured on someone's property. For example, according to Ohio's slip and fall laws, if you have fallen on someone's property and injured yourself, you may be eligible for some form of compensation. This is generally related to the property owner or manager, and if your injury was a result of their negligence.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Depending on the circumstances surrounding slip and fall cases and the environment at the time, there are a number of common injuries that people sustain when falling. In many slip and fall cases, common injuries can include whiplash, herniated discs, bone fracture, brain injury, and soft tissue injury. Some slip and fall cases are so severe that paralysis or death can even occur- usually a result of brain injury.

Do Slip and Fall Cases Go to Trial?

Generally, Slip and fall cases settle without going to trial. However, the vast majority do not. The rate at which slip and fall cases settle without going to trial vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in the USA, but the number is roughly 2% of cases that go to a tribunal. All the other slip and fall cases settle outside court. This can happen by the involved parties coming to an agreement, or by the tribunal issuing a summary judgement, where the court takes the side of one of the parties.

Summary Judgements Explained

A summary judgment issued by a court is often part of the resolution of a slip and fall case. However, a slip and fall case is not the only case where you might receive a summary judgment from a court. In short, a summary judgment is a document issued by the court, where the court takes a stance on the case without a full hearing and on the side of one of the parties against the other.

Generally speaking, an attorney files for a summary judgment in a slip and fall case when the attorney of one of the parties feels there is no dispute on major facts in the case between the parties. For example, if both parties in the slip and fall case agree broadly on what has happened, then an attorney can file for a summary judgment. If the court agrees to issue a summary judgment, this means that the court decides on the case without it going to court.

This is only possible in a case where there is unanimity on the facts of the case. If there is any disagreement about major facts within the case, then the case needs to go to court. This allows the tribunal to hear the case and decide whose evidence is more compelling, and then take a side in the case.

Is My Slip and Fall Case Going to be Heard in a Trial?

You may be wondering, 'do most slip and fall cases settle out of court?' If you have a slip and fall case, it's unlikely that it's going to be heard in a trial. Slip and fall cases settle without going to a tribunal often in the USA, and the courts in the country simply don't have the time or resources to hear each and every slip and fall case in addition to all the other cases which need to be heard. In fact, courts often encourage parties to settle the case outside of court, and might even order you to take steps to make this easier under some circumstances.

When the tribunal orders you to take these steps, it's important that you comply. If you've heard back from the court, then you're likely working with a personal injury attorney as part of your slip and fall case. When you have your initial free consultation with your attorney, you should discuss the likelihood of your case going to court, and how you can prevent this if it's important to you.

How Can I Avoid My Slip and Fall Case Going to Trial?

There are plenty of reasons you might want to avoid your slip and fall case going to trial at all. Many people don't have the time or resources to pursue a legal case, for example. If this is the case for you, then you probably want to get the compensation you're eligible for and move on with your life. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get your settlement without ever setting foot in a courtroom. If this is a priority for you, then this is something you should discuss with your personal injury attorney when you have your initial free consultation. You can work with your attorney to get your settlement without the case going to the tribunal.

One of the most important things to do when trying to avoid your slip and fall case going to trial is preparing the strongest case that you can. Stronger cases are simply harder to defend against or refute. If you provide as much evidence as possible for your slip and fall accident and any consequences you've experienced as a result, then you give yourself a much better opportunity of getting a settlement without needing to go before a tribunal. Injury attorneys know this area of the law intimately and can help you prepare the strongest possible cases.

What is the Average Settlement for Slip and Fall at Walmart?

If you have sustained an injury as a result of falling in a Walmart, you are likely eligible for some form of compensation. Depending on the severity of your injury and your personal circumstances, your settlement could be anywhere up to $1,000,000. Again, this depends on how severe your injury was. For you to obtain such a settlement, you would need to demonstrate that you have suffered considerable losses as a result of your injury.

Do Insurance Companies Prefer to Settle Out of Court?

Do Insurance Companies Prefer to Settle Out of Court?

You might be wondering how your insurance company is going to respond to your slip and fall accident, and how the company might want the case to resolve. Depending on the circumstances, your insurance company might prefer to offer you a payout without the case going to trial. In fact, this is true in most cases, as the insurance company likely doesn't want to spend its time or resources pursuing a slip and fall case. If you can prove the facts of your case easily and clearly, you can likely settle the case with the company without needing to go to trial.

If you want to settle your case this way, it's very important that you and your attorney build a strong case. When an insurance company can dispute the facts of a case, it is likely going to do so and this means the case goes to trial. However, if it's clear to the tribunal that you should be entitled to compensation from your insurance company and the insurance company cannot disprove this based on the facts of the case, then they may offer to settle with you directly.

How Do I Settle a Slip and Fall Claim?

If you have been involved in a slip and fall case, you might be wondering how you can go about getting the compensation you deserve. Slip and fall cases payouts can vary greatly, and the success of your case is going to depend largely on how strong it is, and how convincing you can make it. If you build a strong enough case, you can likely get the court to rule in your favor, and settle out of court, either with your insurance provider or with the property owner.

Slip and fall settlements 2018 depended largely on the strength of the case, for example. When building up a case to settle out of court, there are a number of factors you need to establish. If you can demonstrate these in your evidence which you present to the tribunal, you are likely to have a positive outcome, because strong fall cases settle much more quickly than ones with details that are unclear or ambiguous.

These factors include whether you were on the property legally or not. If you were illegally on the property (trespassing), then it is very unlikely you are going to be eligible for any type of compensation. Another thing that you need to establish to be eligible for a settlement is whether or not the property owner was aware that others would be on the property. For example, if they had invited guests to the property, or were operating a business there.

A tribunal is also going to take notice of whether or not the circumstances that caused the accident were obvious, and whether or not they were easily preventable. If these circumstances or conditions were indeed obvious, then another important part of the case is whether or not the property owner placed signs to alert people of any potential hazards. For example, if there was a patch of ice on the property, the property owner should ideally have placed signs there to warn people that the ground was icy.

Finally, a tribunal is going to consider whether or not a rational person behaving normally could also have been expected to slip and fall under the same circumstances that the accident occurred. If the members of the tribunal take the view that you were behaving in a way that was unusual or irrational and this was the cause of your injury, then it may be difficult for you to obtain a settlement.

Legal Requirements for Successful Cases

Cases that succeed often have to establish that the property owner was ultimately responsible for the accident. A tribunal is going to take the view that the property owner or management was responsible for the accident if they behaved in a way that was negligent, or their negligence somehow caused the accident to occur. For example, the property manager needs to have breached their duty of care, or decided to take decisions that would clearly put others in danger. It is important that you are not found to have been trespassing on the property, and that the property owner somehow owed you a duty of care. If you were not on the property legally, the property owner does not owe you any compensation whatsoever if you have injured yourself.

You also need to show that your injuries have caused some form of 'damages' to you. This is quite a broad term and can refer to financial losses, physical and emotional trauma, or significant disruption to your daily life. Proving that damages have occurred is a vital part of a successful claim because this is what the property manager is ultimately going to compensate you for with a settlement. If you can't prove somehow that damages have occurred, then there is no reason for the property's owner to compensate you. We recommend that you gather or keep proof of all of your expenses in connection with the accident.

In order for you to be able to take a settlement in cases like these, you should also be able to prove that the dangerous conditions were directly responsible for your injury or accident. This can be tricky to prove, which is why we recommend that you get in touch with one of our attorneys to discuss how we can build up a strong case together. We can provide a personal free consultation, where we can advise you on whether or not you might be eligible for a settlement in your case, well as how to take your case to the tribunal. If you are interested in having a free consultation, call us today to discuss. If you call us today, one of our team can explain the way we work and help you make time for a consultation regarding your case.

Whether you want to answer the question "if someone falls on your property, are you liable?" or "how much compensation do you get for a fall?" The Keating Firm LTD. can answer your questions.

Disclaimer: The details included in this blog is offered for educational purposes only, and should not be taken as lawful guidance in any way. No recipients of material from this blog, clients or otherwise, should or should not act on the basis of any material consisted in the blog without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional guidance on the particular facts and situations at issue from an attorney accredited in the recipient's state.

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