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How Long Should you Be Sore After a Car Accident?

Writer: Brad KeatingBrad Keating

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Car accidents are often very traumatic events. While this isn't always the case, it's fairly common to suffer from lingering, long-lasting injuries after a car accident. However, there are no hard or fast rules regarding how long should you be sore after a car accident. If you've recently been in a car accident, you might be experiencing some level of pain. You might be wondering if this pain is normal, or if you should be concerned.

Pain After a Car Accident

Pain After a Car Accident

Depending on the type of car accident you were in and the type of injury or injuries you sustained, you might expect to be sore up to six weeks after the incident. However, this depends on the accident itself, and how healthy you are and were at the time of the accident. It is also important to note that what is most important is that you seek medical attention after the accident, especially if you feel pain.

This is because injuries are not always obvious at the time of the accident. While you may have some lingering pain after an accident and think it's nothing major, it's crucial that you have a medical professional confirm this for you. Failing to do so may mean that you have serious injuries that are overlooked and don't get treated in a timely fashion. This can be dangerous or even fatal in some cases.

What to Expect Physically After a Car Accident

After a car accident, people can respond quite differently to the event. Some might be sore or stiff, while others might walk away with almost no issues whatsoever. It's fairly normal to experience some level of muscle pain or stiffness right after a car accident. While it may be uncomfortable, you should generally be able to treat this pain or stiffness with over the counter remedies. If not, this may suggest that you have some injuries that need to be treated by a physician.

While the car accident itself may have been quite minor, the stress you experience can also cause tension and pain throughout your body. This isn't to be confused with injuries, as this type of pain or tension may go away over time. It's also important to note that you might have no symptoms at the time, but develop them some time after the accident- perhaps after a period of a few days or even a week or so.

This might seem strange, but it depends a lot on how our bodies react to stress and impact. Also, some injuries are known for symptoms which gradually come on, or which develop after the accident itself. The only way you can know what's causing your symptoms for sure is by going to a doctor and asking them for advice. They can examine you and determine whether or not you've sustained any serious injuries in the accident, and if you need any treatment.

If you had pain or tension that was mild after an accident but that suddenly gets worse, you should try to see a doctor right away, or as soon as possible. Some injuries may get worse over time, and you can save yourself a lot of pain and suffering by getting them looked at earlier rather than later. The longer you have a particular injury, the longer it may potentially take for you to be able to treat the injury and get back to functioning normally again.

What to do After a Car Accident

I've Just Been in a Car Accident - What Should I Do?

The first thing you should do after making sure any other parties involved in the accident are safe and out of harm's way is seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you can't see a doctor right away, you should make an appointment to see one at your earliest convenience if you have no major symptoms. On the other hand, if you aren't feeling well or you have any symptoms or serious injury, you should try to get emergency medical treatment instead.

It's also important that you get medical attention from an insurance perspective. If you have personal injury insurance and you delay seeing a doctor or medical professional, the insurance company may try to argue that your injuries weren't serious. The provider might also try to argue that your injuries were not a result of the accident.

What Are Some Common Car Accident Injuries?

The kinds of injuries you might suffer in a car accident can vary considerably depending on where in the car you were sitting, as well as the severity of the accident. However, there are some injuries that are very common after car accidents.


Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries, and it is often a cause of chronic pain or tension in people who develop it as a result of being in a vehicle accident. You can develop whiplash as the result of rapid, sudden, and forceful movement in your neck, which often happens in a car accident due to the vehicle stopping suddenly. Whiplash can have a range of symptoms, including stiffness, pain, nausea, trouble sleeping, headache, and jaw pain.

Generally speaking, whiplash is a non-serious condition that you can treat with over-the-counter medication and treatments. However, it can become chronic, and if this is the case it might seriously impact your quality of life over the long term. If you're experiencing the symptoms of whiplash after a car accident, the most important thing to do is consult with a physician. The doctor can explain to you whether you've sustained a lasting injury or whether it should resolve with time, as well as how you can treat and manage any injuries you might have.

Unfortunately, in some cases, car accident whiplash might require surgery or other more extensive measures to treat. Whiplash from car accident is not usually this serious but can become that serious if chronic. This is why it's important that you consult with a personal injury attorney if you have symptoms of more extensive damage or injury after a car accident. A personal injury attorney can help you figure out what type of compensation you might be entitled to, as well as how you should pursue this.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Unfortunately, car accidents are often a cause of Traumatic Brain Injury. TBI after an auto accident can vary considerably in its severity. Some people may have somewhat mild effects on their cognition and memory, while others may have long-lasting, dramatic consequences and possibly never recover fully. One of the most common types of brain injury is a concussion. You may have a concussion after an auto accident if you hit your head, but you don't actually need to hit your head to sustain a brain injury. Rapid change of direction (such as being in a car that suddenly stops) can be enough of a shock to your brain to cause TBI.

Any headaches after car accident should be taken very seriously, as this can be a sign of TBI. After car accident headache can also be a sign of other, less serious conditions like whiplash. This is why it's important that you see a physician after a car accident, as it's difficult to diagnose any injuries you may have without doing the proper testing. An excruciating headache after car accident may be a symptom of TBI, or it might even be a symptom of something more serious, like stroke or skull fracture. These injuries are very serious and can be life-threatening, and may not even cause that much pain in some instances. Only someone with medical expertise and training can tell you the cause of your pain, as well as evaluate the seriousness of your injuries.

Soft Tissue Injury

Much of our body is made up of soft tissue. Soft tissue makes up a lot of our body and is the tissue that connects our bones and organs, as well as other structures. Soft tissue injuries are also very common after a car accident. If you're sore after a car accident, you may have sustained one or several soft tissue injuries. Fortunately, such injuries are rarely serious and generally don't have symptoms beyond causing pain at the site of the injuries. If you have pain in your soft tissue after a car accident, you should be able to manage the pain with over the counter treatments, as long as your pain isn't too severe.

If your accident wasn't serious, then any pain from soft tissue injuries should disperse within a few weeks. However, if you're still in pain after this period, then this might be a sign of something more serious. For example, if you have back pain after an accident that has lasted for months, this may be a sign of a disc problem. This is why you should seek medical attention if you are still sore after a car accident for more than six weeks.

Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can be serious, and car accidents are unfortunately the most common cause of these injuries. In addition to pain, damage to your spinal cord can cause other serious symptoms like numbness, tingling, or loss of control in certain parts of your body, if the damage is bad enough. If you are wondering how long should you be sore after a car accident, especially in your back, then you should keep an eye out for pain that lasts beyond six weeks, especially in your back.

Many people experience long term pain and suffering as a result of spinal cord injuries. If your pain has lasted beyond six weeks, then you should seek medical advice regarding your injury. If you have injured your spinal cord in a car accident, then you may have pain in your back at the site of the injury. You may also have pain referred to other parts of your back. However, some people have no pain at all from spinal injuries, and instead have symptoms like tingling or numbness.

Back Injuries

Back Pain After Car Accident - What to Do?

If you have back pain after a car accident, you're probably wondering how long should you be sore after a car accident. As mentioned above, you can probably expect some pain and tension for up to six weeks after a car accident. Any pain beyond that should be examined by a medical professional, even if you have already had medical advice after the accident. This is to ensure that your pain isn't caused by lasting damage or more serious injuries that need to be treated.

By seeing a physician, you can find the cause of your pain and start receiving the necessary treatment. In addition, you may be eligible for compensation, depending on the cause of the pain and the type of accident you were in. Once you've spoken with a doctor and figured out how to treat your pain, your next course of action should be consulting with a personal injury or car accident lawyer. These lawyers often provide a free consultation to help you figure out if you can file an injury claim for compensation.

While you may be sore for a long time after a car accident, your pain and suffering is not your fault. By filing an injury claim, you should be able to get compensation for a lot of the financial repercussions of the accident. Then, all you need to worry about is healing up from the pain and injuries you might have sustained.

Feeling Better After an Accident

How to Feel Better After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, it's important that you take good care of yourself and try to rest. You can avoid a lot of long-term pain and suffering by allowing yourself to relax and heal, instead of trying to throw yourself back into work or responsibilities. This is especially important if you've sustained any serious injuries from the accident. You may be in a lot of pain, and if this is the case, you need to be patient and let yourself heal before going back to normal life.

If you can, you should try delaying your return to work and get help from friends and family to deal with your responsibilities. This is especially important if you've sustained a brain injury like a concussion. Such injuries can take a long time to recover from, and it's vital that you allow yourself to rest as long as is necessary in order to get better. If you push yourself too hard while you're still recovering, you are going to protract your recovery and make things harder for yourself.

We are all different, and everyone responds to events like car accidents differently. You may have some long-lasting psychological effects of the accident, for example. If this is the case, you should look into getting therapy or counseling. This type of treatment can help you come to terms with what has happened and develop a positive relationship to the event, which can, in turn, help you to minimize the impact of the event on your psyche.

If you have pain as a result of the accident, then therapy can also help you to accept this, or reduce the impact that pain and suffering have on your mental health. A large part of the way we cope with pain is psychological, and therapy can help us have a more neutral relationship with pain. Going to therapy after a car accident is often a great way to develop a better relationship with what has happened, and is a large part of feeling better for many people. Even if you don't think the event has impacted you psychologically, you might find it to be a great relief to talk with a therapist about what has happened.

Massage therapy is another great way to minimize a lot of the stress that you might be feeling after a car accident. It can also help you to feel better physically. If you have soft-tissue pain or tension after a car accident, you should consider going to a massage therapist for some type of treatment to help you to manage your pain before it dissipates. It's worth noting that you should consult with a physician prior to going to massage therapy if you have been in a car accident, to make sure the therapy doesn't hurt you or make your condition worse.

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury?

If you have been injured in a car accident, the most important thing for you to do is consult with a personal injury or car accident lawyer once you have received the appropriate medical care. Many personal injury lawyers provide a free consultation, which can help you both to figure out whether you are eligible for compensation as a result of the accident and are extremely experienced with Ohio's car accident laws. Once you have gathered all of the relevant information and evidence you have about your case, your personal injury lawyer can give you a free consultation to evaluate how likely it is that your claim is going to be successful.

Is killing someone in a car accident considered manslaughter? The experienced personal injury attorneys at The Keating Firm LTD. have all the answers for your car accident questions.

Disclaimer: The details included in this blog is offered for educational purposes only, and should not be taken as lawful guidance in any way. No recipients of material from this blog, clients or otherwise, should or should not act on the basis of any material consisted in the blog without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional guidance on the particular facts and situations at issue from an attorney accredited in the recipient's state.


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